Religious | Israel

Unleavened Bread

Savory | Snack

The tradition of unleavened bread


  When the Israelites were fleeing Egypt, they had to leave so quick that the bread could not rise. So, they had to eat unleavened bread (meaning that the yeast has not risen) on their run from a malicious ruler.

  In one sense, the recipe of today reminds Christians and Jews of a difficult past. But for the Jews, it has a stronger meaning; it connects with their diaspora (which has been a recurring theme throughout the entire Jewish history). That's why the Matzah (unleavened bread) is so often eaten by Jews on big feasts like Passover.

   Another meaning of Matzah is slightly more intrinsic: the unleavened yeast symbolizes a humble soul. As yeast rises, it starts to reflect a bragging personality. An overbearing person, who fills the room with their bloated ego.


  • 1 Cup Flour
  • 1/3 Cup water
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • 1 Tsp Olive Oil

A Matzah bread


  1. Knead salt, flower and water together (for c. 5 minutes).
  2. Make golfball-sized ballls from the dought
  3. Put oil in a frying pan and flatten 1 doughball in it
  4. Heat each side of the dough for 2 minutes
  5. Repeat for the remaining doughballs

Further discovery

  A Christian explaining his take on Matzah bread